Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your in-game name: Hamsterz_HD The offender's exact ingame name: oUltima...
Also my current minecraft username is Hamsterz_HD
Dear mineverse Admins and Moderators Quite a while ago (over a year) I bought god rank and have now lost it in most game modes and in the lobby....
Ok, Pretty much i bought god rank, i have it and it's awesome. and then i goto the lobby and i don't have god in the lobby and im like what the...
today when I went on the lobby i checked the cosmetics menu and noticed that I couldn't use any rank cosmetics even know I have god rank on all...
no sorry she was flying away
sorry i have mistaken their name it actually is HitDaQuan
yet again i have fount another hacker their ign is HitDaQuan i also have a screenshot of them flying after using kill aura on me, they are also...
yep caught DeadFury03 hacking pls ban him he is making it not fun and hard[ATTACH]
toda i was just fighting on kit pvp when i saw this guy!!! flying and so i took a screenshot here it is also sorry i posted too many pics of the...
I lost my 100$ got rank
I have caught someone advertising their server and spamming, Their in game name is ManoHenrique
Ever since i changed my name from Bjra2004 i have noticed that i didn't have my god rank anymore and im dont know how to feel sad or angry, my...
Bro Thats not spaming i was only doing something called ADVERTISING
Gemma just put your name up
Sup Whoever is reading this, I would like to be a moderator to help people and put all the guys with illegal stuff in the jail, also pls accept...