Everyone everyone please just calm down I've dealt with my brother. I'm not lying about anything my brother was playing on my account when I was...
__TNUK__ Actually I was at school but ok? I haven't been on all day except for like 5 hours
So many hackers out there. Nice catch man!
I was gone all weekend doing hockey things and I let my brother play and he might get me banned :(
Sorry for posting it is important. Hello BMANVT I was gone all week doing hockey games and practices traveling through the country, But I allowed...
Please support my Moderator Application. Thank you so much!
Thank you!
I don't know how to delete the thread I am going to show MrParkourguy the video
Thank you MC
Its uploading right now.
Ugh Ill try my best then
I can't upload it to youtube cause there is too much lag and It will take to long.
I can't upload the video I'm going to have to call a Mod if I can and show them the video.
Your in game name: Platinummineing The offender's ingame name: Vicernice A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
Your ingame name: Platinummineing The offender's ingame name: TND_Plays A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising on...
No problem man!
No xD
Hello ladys and gentleman!
So its good???