Boiii your profile pic is hawtttttt
I'm currently livestreaming twitch. I don't know if this allowed but if you guys want to tune in, listen to tunes and Join the BantaSquad. I'm...
Kluzty Dont Gooo
The Players IGN is in the Video, its clear. AntiKB He was running from me alot, cause he new I was recording him. He claims the server...
Thanks for the Advice and Response:)
How old are you? I am 17:cool: Your in-game name: SuperDuperZero What timezone are you in? Greenwich Mean Time Zone UTC +00:00 What country do...
Alex doesn't ddos. neither does he know how to Hider21. I was told the mods can't do anything about ddos because they don't have a degree in IT to...
Every Hacker Better Watch Out. Theres a New Sherif In Town!
[media] Video Created By Me. Video Source By Me User - ShenGL Anti KB And all the Other Rubbish Hackers Have <3
A smart hacker wouldn't reveal their going to DDoS someone now would they. Confused.
How can I honestly provide evidence. do you want me to record 24/7 everytime I go on? when I play mineverse I feel like I don't have to record...
You call yourself a mod? but your not even reading it correctly. Do I have to make myself clearer then this. 1st Stage. People were complaining...
Everyone was lagging, but a small group of us was not lagging, I was one of them. some people were posting lag, some were posting what lag?.
My name is Jayke. I'm 17, I live in the UK. My IG is SuperDuperZero. This server has its moments where your like 'omg' but this, has just about...
See me around, Give me a shout!
Voted. Yes.
1. Age:17 2. PVPSkill 1-10:9 3. Have you ever been banned for hacking?:Never. 4. In-Game Rank?:N/A 5. You must have a skype (Tell us it either...