who is nasa
@TADS Unless i chargeback bud ;)
@Nanurz I'm God. Its not just a few bucks.
@Nanurz I will just be banned? nothing else?
Hello I am a old Mineverse player and have moved on in life and wanting to know if chargebacks allowed because I need some irl money.
your still moderator????
Ninja whats your steam you deleted me i think
is this really you????
@Ninja did you delete me off steam if this is really you??
@Ninja is that you???
@CotnerM I dont xd
@GlubOG Yeah I remember you from Kitpvp
@ScoFu13 Thanks man.
@Pile not really but sometimes i log on mineverse to see whats up
@Pile not much been focused on a lot of school and playing some csgo here and their but decided to log on today
@MaxNinja10 yea
old in-game name kzhalps I was a former Officer of the faction NASA the owner of NASA faction was IN1NJAI