I play both :O
How can I earn these star rankings?
Your ingame name: rockman365 The offender's ingame name: sizzle45 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using a client to shoot...
Your ingame name: rockman365 The offender's ingame name: paciii A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: A client that allows them...
Your ingame name: rockman365 The offender's ingame name: Nicolas_grant A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using a client to...
@Ichidna :)
1.Your In-Game Name : rockman365 2.What Server rank are you : Premium and I am planning on donating more in future ;) 3.Which server you play most...
lol your obviously extremely new to infection because 98% of players on mineverse know how to get outside the bars! welcome though :).
Wait never mind I asked in game and a friendly person answered it for me. Please lock this thread.
Title says it all and how do I go up prestige and stuff. I'm relatively new here and want to know what's up with this. Thanks!
Hope to see you to in-game :) thanks for the info as well :cp:
Hey thanks, I hope to meet in-game as well :)
Hey all, I'm rockman365, I'm not new to mineverse but I am new to the forums. I am 13 and from the land down under and I hope to have a good time...