yeah, because they are too far away and i obviously couldn't get closer :/
congrats to everyone that was a top voter
agreed, i think the mods should be more active on there, too much spam
the cords are X:239 Y:40 Z:163
idk, but it's his plot.
Awesome texture pack btw
yeah, there was intense lag at that moment, so people were mad.
Today when i was at the spawn/hub i looked up and i saw other players on top of the wither statue, i'm not sure if they are hacking for not, but...
Your ingame name: thebign89 The offender's ingame name: cueball2001 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He had signs on his...
Your signature is really cool
How do you get 3,500 views on this when there's only 1,500 members?
Good idea, but I don't think there is any sort of plugins that would fit this idea
Haha Ikr
Yes, but you would think that a person who has the highest doner rank would be more careful about the rules
Your ingame name: thebign89 The offender's ingame name: bignutsmcgee A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He was spamming...
WOW this is sooooo awesome thanksssss
meeeeeee...IGN= thebign89
Build it would be an awesome thing to add
You change your skin a lot