Alrighty, thanks. :D
... Ugh...
Ahhhh... I knew it was something like "Even if everyone votes, in order to get on the list, you need to be the fastest..." Thx for the tip. When...
How does top voter work exactly? How is a top voter decided? A lot of people won't miss a day, do you have to be the quickest to vote?
Or you not smoke weed because that will destroy any chances you have of getting a position... And saying this stuff will make you look immature,...
When will this stop being bumped? I'm tired of seeing this in my feed... :ah
Capitalizing perfect grammar and perfect spelling is a start. It makes you look more mature. Mods are more likely to dismiss you as a child if...
"Active" and "fair" is usually quite hard to find in the same person.
I get the feeling you're hinting at a very bad reaction if I tell him that. Spill it, what will happen?
We could always add some more mods to the roster.
I think I vaguely recall something like that too.
I didn't say anything about the voting link. I said "Either that, or they need to begin putting links to the forums in the servers."
This has been derailed from a suggestion into a flame war. Let's stop fighting and start suggesting, please.
You're welcome. :)
Either that, or they need to begin putting links to the forums in the servers. The number of people here will go up, and more people will report...
Your chances of getting a mod position have definitely gone down because of this post. If you're gonna scheme your way to a position like so,...
I haven't seen you in any of the servers, including GTA. I haven't seen you on the forums either. Neutral.
Swagger began spamming my chat box via /msg in the GTA server. I apparently don't have the permissions to post this in the Report section, so all...
Sorry, I was mainly referring to the other guy.
I'm beginning to think what I'm seeing is different mindsets. Players who leave the server leave behind their chests filled with goodies, they...