Nice! Also its the 5th July today in the UK :p
PvpWarlord. I'm trying to say it not Hurting your Feelings, but I don't think there is so if you can Forgive me after you read this, Thank you....
Pearson. First of all Screen shots don't always do the Job, Screenshots are good for Spamming, Swearing or Cursing. Second of all you should start...
Support! When I see you in-game you Ignore me (But In a good way you will find out if you read on) But you ignore me because your trying to help...
Pearson first of all are you using Windows or Mac? If you're using Mac then the best recording Software is Screenflow or Quicktime player. If...
Sooperaya your absolutely correct. He is just Using Fullbright and thats not that bad as the other hacks like X-ray or Kill aura. So you can't...
You must add more Information, or you would not get mod. Also you should be creative and add more color, space it out, Information and Detail. Do...
No Problem. Also Good luck ;) Forgot to say that.
Lol! The first time I saw someone who done a report with hacks! Also if your reporting someone else you do relies that you're kind of Reporting...
Cya Dude! You always will be an Epic man. <3 Good luck on a Different server!
It kind of looks like he is Jumping not Fly hacking. Plus if you done a Video it would be more Easy for the mods to see if he is hacking or not.
Q: Why do beef taste like chicken?
I can not Support this Idea. If we would have that Everyone would have a titan Rank, and it would cause to much Trouble for the Admins and Mods....
Support! Your a great person on the forums!