Server has people with their prefixes, its just myself
Titles says all, there arent any prefix fixers there
Also, can someone give me the God tag on the forums?
I purchased God, and it wasnt there on my prefix. I went to the "Rank fix" section, but I saw no "God" on there, and even attempted to right click...
I am for JTT, because I've played with him on OP factions before, and I never saw a sight of hacking. He was pretty legit, and if he was hacking?...
I bought a cape already.. Hah..
Why is that...I added tons of information.
^ He's got a point.
I was on OP factions, and then me and my friends were trying to find a base. Suddenly, uncleurnesto tpas to us, and we accepted it. After a 30...
Bump? :P
No prob
Updated the app. 2 hours to update. Hope it was worth it. :P
#xxxvan4overlord xD
@Fuse Thats my skin face. And ducky, just because I criticize your app, doesnt mean you have to ruin my reputation... Also, rockerz please give me...
No problem, you really deserve it!
Updated. :)
I support, I support, I support this app! (tune of jingle bells)
No support, this needs alot more information. Also, add color, to make it stand out. Click the underlined "a" to do so. Sorry.
Ill re-update it. xD