I wasnt lieing cause now your banned i did Catch you scamming meh so.... and you said the armour was Prot IV
I hope he gets promoted again
Best freind = charlierobe1 Second Best Freind = keagonkotze Third Best = MinyChinky Lel
is it? Oh sry....I dont like my voice. ;( people said im Dumb
Sry his In game name is maxermine2.
In game name : asvo007 Offenders name : maxermine2 Recorded it [media]
In Game Name : asvo007 Proof, that Im not Elite on kitpvp. Or skyblock Im Elite only Elite On Prison nothink else. [media]
My freind was talking to me but u cant hear his Voice lel
My InGame Name : asvo007 Hackers In Game Name : ninjashooter13,ConorD1056,TotoBoss30 [media]
Ingame name: asvo007 effenders name:Elite_JumpShotz How they broke the rules: hacking Screenshots/recording: recorded [media]
sorry lol but you got it all wrong i said thats what my freind said to me and you said anyone tell me if they hack and thats what i wrote what my...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: asvo007 The offender's ingame name: Thordoristeofan A...
It just looks so hard from the moderator forums
I wonder how I'm gonna do this
Hehe I think ares will pass
He looks differentdifferent