What's going on?
In Game Name: Angelwings02 Offender's Name: X_MCRev0Lution_X Rule Broken: Trapping [ATTACH][ATTACH]
Budder.. Glowstone msg me.
I have been supporting you since the start, so why not stop. Goodluck
You have my support.. Goodluck
I can't right now, I am currently away from home, but thank you for helping. @Bazooka_Killer
It is constant, it doesn't stop. @Bazooka_Killer
1. Angelwings02 2. xxxfazemasterxxx 3. Cursing and disrespect..[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Support. Good luck.
Hello :D
I now see this well.. I have nothing else to say. xD
Welcome to mineverse. :)
I'm currently bored, and exploring fourms..
You have my support.. Good luck
I'm a active member now.. :D
1. Angelwings02 2. gummyman45 3. Hacking.. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I support it..
I didn't put them in my inventory, I was afk and before I knew it I couldn't respawn. @_FuShIoNx_Money
I already have.. This is why I made a report. @_FuShIoNx_Money