Archive this.
1. Philip320 2. @madisonjr @MADIS0NJR 3. Ban evading 4. @madisonjr @MADIS0NJR
Have fun.
But you spam rate dumb and it is abuse it is ban
1. Philip320 2. @Conor Walton 3. Rate abuse 4. [IMG]
and it was supposed that I would only make statements on this account.
and I get perm banned from the forums. it could not really walk. I will have to make appeals, reports, topics
Ik, But I regret it.
Yes, they do I but I can happily in to report people who hacks here. if you do not want me to report.
1. Philip320 2. @Lola Perez 3. Spam 4. [IMG]
Enjoy it
No one has said that this is incorrect
Hm, I'm really sorry to do this but I do only reports Hackers are not allowed to play *
HA You said so in your report to me. and then I was not allowed How can that be?
1. Philip320 2. Djryan2000 3.He offends me greatly on the server and the forum he has done it many times but I hara just one example here. 4....
You are not allowed to post here.more
1. Philip320 2. POUL__ nikolaj007dk 3. Hacking 4. [media]