^^^ Yup!
I agree, They should ban nether portals from prison world and enable them in free world.
Cue got demoted, Kron got demoted, Pown got demoted, Larry got demoted, Xel got demoted, Patrick got demoted, Dark got demoted, and Gwism got...
Your not supposed to be in the nether.... :P I have done that too though ;-; accept I fell out of the end into the void :D Stuff happens. <3
This issue has been solved. Thank you. <3
LDM does not hack, He used the nodus to see who it was. You should be banned 16attackcow. <3
I don't support. You have killed me with lava and I lost my efficiency 2 pickaxe :(. Your also mean to my brother. No support towards bullies.
I don't think they would give you perms like W.E or W.G. But I think you would be good! <3
I love my brother (cue). He is responsible and takes care of me :). He tucks me into bed and night and then he will maybe read me bed time stories...