Thank you for the reply and yes it does continue regardless if any redstone is active and/or if any players are around. I get what you are...
Please follow this template when making a Bug | Glitch report. Your in-game name: zarton123 Game mode that the bug and/or glitch is effecting:...
Mostly for staff members: Can we please get access to heads again? Or at least our own? About a month or two ago, we use to be able to get heads...
I am Zarton123 and Mineverse is one of my favorite servers. If you have nothing to do and want to challenge yourself, why not do some parkour?...
@Pulchritudinous No not yet.... Is there anything you can do? Btw I'm Zarton123 in minecraft.
@Noobcrew @CypriotMerks @BlackZone @Glaadiator
Ok thanks again! You're such a great admin! @Pile_of_Butts
Merry Christmas! I recently submitted a ban appeal and it was accepted by Pile of Butts (thanks again), but I still can't log in consistently....
I'm not reporting Sa_Sa_Samantha Im asking to solve a problem. I've done this before and u don't need proof
Things to Know First: --> I am [VIP] zarton123 --> I built and co own a club --> The plot does not belong to me; it belongs to Snibblenub --> I do...
He cannot dispose his plot MaxNinja and DoctorDistructo but he is planning on changing his name back ;)
I am Zarton123 (in game) and my brother is BanaZun. For some reason, my bro Bana changed his I G N to BaconZun. He hasn't played for a while so...
My bro, BanaZun has a fast computer, and when he set himself into survival gamemode, his minecraft wasn't responding and eventually crashed. If...
Name: Digidude64 Two things: 1) he /me when he was a guest it said *Digidude64 bla bla etc. 2) he made a floating piston head over the plot dividers
Does anyone know how to enchant any item to all the enchantments over level 100? Please reply soon. [i am a sponsor on mineverse]
The tpa's r too fast. That won't work. Sry, I believe non-staff cannot do anything about it. I need staff ranks to fix this bug.
I will not play on mineverse until this is FIXED. I'm a sort of popular guy, and a lot of people tpa to me especially for my "✪✪ Awesome two plots...
Noobcrew! SOMEBODY!! HELP ME!! I was trying to speed into one of my friends plots. I copied their coordinates so I can "hyperjump" to their plot....
When u log on, press CTRL + Q (if u haven't changed ur controls). U will die although that book will no longer be there
Item frames are not harmful. They cannot be placed on other people creative plots, and have the same characteristics as buttons regarding where u...