Actullay good idea, even i cannot read what you are writing. But the parkour, if they fly there what ever? That means they really haven't made...
Good idea, support!
The point of skygrid is that you can fall from there, it would be useless if there would be fly. The whole idea would be gone after that.
I think this is editable at the config
You cannot be griefed unleas you add someone to your plot, but there are not such command so it need to be customized. Support!
That would be cool, if you actully have completed the parkour, you don't need tp but fly would be cool.
This idea just pointless, no support.
Thank you :) But is really hard to be super active in forums, i have 7 different forums to handle including some non- server forums.
I know, and i have played Mineverse most of my time
I joined today
I have started beeing super active today.
I know it's not the best thing to do first when you log into forums. But i thought i could try, at least i have lot's of experience.
I did join forums today, but i have played more. And i have readed lot's of threads
Ok, thanks! I wasn't fully sure so i decided to report
You have my full support but you should use the format.
So it is allowed to use enchanted diamond axe in pvp?
Your ingame name: DerpyTacoPlays The offender's ingame name: ArtursD A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using diamond axe in...
Oh...i didn't read it well. But when you are on, then you will see!