Ahhhh, The sweet smell of home and the weekend
NO SUPPORT, srry caps but Never Ever say that you are a donor,(Ive made that mistake too) and also needs more detail
Wake up in the morning bout to play mineverse before school ;)
I just wish more people could respect me :"(
oops xD now I feel stupid and dumb D; should I just delete the old one?
Can you please tell me why you think no support? I mean just saying no support doesnt help me of what I should do to make this better
How old are you?I am 12 years old and In the 7th grade Your in-game name:Xx_JackIsBack_xX What timezone are you in?I am in the Eastern Timezone...
I am a person...
Alright I take your advice I will redo My application Thankyou for commenting though.
Sometimes I just feel like people Dont Support cause your young But I have been playing on the server longer than they have xD
Those people who say they never see you online yet your playing ArcherPvP with them
By the way I am also a donator I donated as a MVP ALSO just because I said I donated means that I want to be accepted just because I buy their...
Please look at my new application I am Very sorry for this. It was a mistake. And srry for wasting your time! D;
Edward hoe do i make a thing that tells somebody to ban someone because on infection _K_i_n_g_Wolf_ is hacking
If you are still sad maybe its Puberty
If you are moderating on creative now can you help with something its a Book that kills you when you put it in your hand and it is in my hand so...
I have Lebron 11s They are about to transform i also have Jordans yah...im a nike kid :D
My Profile pic are my shoes ... I wish :D
Laura_or_is_it is it Laura Or is it GOD??????? :D
Someone Follow me :D