i bet half of these ppl werent even here for the real early days lol
Gg on using hidden content on a discussion thread that doesnt even need it. I suggest you both delete your off-topic posts, since you both are...
"random character" Welcome to your blocklist, however! :)
Then if you wish to write a review without trying to change anything, what is the purpose of it? If you don't like a moderator, don't write about...
Hm. re·view rəˈvyo͞o/ noun 1. a formal assessment or examination of something with the possibility or intention of instituting change if...
Mineverse player's logic: *only find the negative in each and every moderator, hoping their harsh criticism will improve their activity* that's...
October 12th, 2013. Goodbye.
Okay so I'm really confused...it says when I do /plotme info that my plot expires on December 14th, 2013, and I'm guessing that means I no longer...
Tell me you haven't had this problem: you have a plot in creative and theres a couple other plots around you with normal builds. But, theres just...
We can already do that though, it would be cooler if everyone had the same time
I would loveeee it if there were day and night time on the creative server. I think it's so boring just having it the same time every time I go...
I can confirm this report! It is actually happening at the moment. Roger is saying he'll ban the person who is lagging the server, but after...
In a span of 15 minutes, the creative plots server crashed 7 times just because of 2-3 people (jccool22, gothicrose39) spamming. There were zero...