Are you saying that people who played the other games like survival and prison and stuff who were regulars only left because they tried hellblock...
Mineverse should bring Hellblock back because, in my opinion, it was the best thing next to sky grid and GTA, which are both now gone by the way....
Why are people still saying support?! GTA is gone, it's not in the navigator, and every time I do /GTA it just sends me to the lobby, I try again...
Please follow this template when making a Bug | Glitch report. Your in-game name: BillyTheBullet (Used to be LizardKeeper14) Game mode that the...
Support Plus I love hellblock, dont beleive me? /is level Lizardkeeper14
omg hadn't noticed all those. thanks! plus I got why. exept for some, such as "why you think you should become a mod" the first word I typed...
I am trying to be more active Where are the spelling and grammar errors?
Sorry for not being online lately.. I was on Vacation! but.. 5th bump ina row D:
Hi kingsexykiller :>
Thanks :D Lol when U said I'm Billy's best friend I'm like I don't know you... but then I realized you meant Billy_Panda My nickname is Billy irl...
I did but I couldnt maybe its a bug. And Qote's seem to be glitching... but I don't want to go off topic sorry.
Honestly, just because I haven't seen you in game yet. Your application is fairly well written and you also seem mature for your age. I'll keep an...
why no support?
@Scorvix You gimme a cookie :> tanks
Thanks Why are you Nuetral? could I change that to support?
Thank you, I edited all of those mistakes and put a little bit more info in Why I want to become a mod
You play hellblock? sorry for going off topic. but ok I guess I cant play skyblock