Haven't been on this server for multiple months now. I joined late 2014. From what I've seen from previous comments you seem like a good candidate...
Haven't played minecraft in 2 years. Joined 6 years ago, memories man, memories.
Your ingame namePysched The offender's exact ingame name:Josh1215Killer A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:He was flying,...
As soon as I saw it was Keeway I knew it was a joke. :)
This made me laugh harder than i should have.
April 14
50% :)
Really tired
support. Good luck
Full support
Your ingame name Pysched The offender's exact ingame name:HackerDude21 and the second one Eikoellis A description of what rule they broke/how they...
Your ingame nameDesertedD The offender's exact ingame name:The first one is Plat3mail and the second is KramBj0rneN A description of what rule...
So i cant do this formus on the report section so ima do it here. Your ingame name DesertedD The offender's exact ingame name Darrickmusselman A...
My ingame name is DesertedD i dont know why it put a smily face. lmao
Your ingame name:DesertedD The offender's exact ingame name:gatorqt and tutiscum A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The...
Hey guys i have 2 recorded hackers uploaded on video i just don't know were to put it on the forums. If you want to see it here it is. [MEDIA]...
oh xD