I haven't really looked at the bvz hall of fame I usually just go straight to a game
Since when did they remove it?
It's very blurry for me but gods have /jump so yeah it could be a god.+1.7.2+infected=lag spikes
It actually is a 1.7.2 glitch that happens a lot nothing you can do really though.
No support if your old enough to be on the Internet your old enough to see cussing on a server I mean its online there's nothing you can do about it.
I support but I've never actually seen you on the server I usually play infected and blocks vs zombies but I've played on the others as well.Other...
Good job this is the first mod app I've seen and I've went through a pretty good bit of the apps.That I actually support very good job.
As well as maddy didn't start it.I did like I said huge team came over here.I was the one who found out about the glitch.So I don't think noob...
noobcrew sorry for going around and criticizing everything people post.just a habit of mine but you need someone like me for post likes these.
Lol really You have to lie about your age.why would there be a age limit if you see other people 13 and 14?I don't believe your 14 either.Thats...
Also plz stop raging on the server it's annoying
Well it doesn't matter because guess what this report is void there is no proof no nothing so I suggest you shut up and try getting some proof and...
Also you just know maddy was involved right sounds like a pity grudge.what happen she refuse to go out with a 9 year old.
many thing to say about this wanna be report first of all your not 20 second of all stop throwing a hissy fit woo they had a bow if u wanna win...
noob crew plz do something about this
seriously if people like this cant follow simple rules why would you want them as staff??
So true
Also noob crew doesn't care if people support your app it's if you qualify as a mod
no it doesn't they do not test you on your skills at pvp they test you on knowledge and how a mod should act
yes but it is scattered and you are supposed to follow the format and by. Not doing that then you probaly have a less of a chance of getting mod