ey remember me (shadowbuscus1)
Thanks Merk. Requesting lock.
pls halp @CypriotMerks http://www.mineverse.com/threads/rank-issue.55969/
Definitely Support. I remember you from the old days. :)
Bump. Tagging @CypriotMerks
Finally updated my forums name.
Hello, my in-game name is DuskShadow. (Changed from shadowbuscus1 for reference) I have emailed the support email twice, but have gotten no...
Support. Van is an awesome player!! :)
I support.
Oh my gosh I have to change that. That's pretty serious...
I can not support this. I saw what you did and that is unforgiving to me. Sorry.
I completely agree with van. More info is needed. Sorry I can't support atm
I like the idea. Support. :)
Sorry I can not support. It needs a lot more info and I hear you hacked. Thats not good for your chances.
Just got member! :D
I think just a little bit more of info is needed. Good luck though. From me, I can't support as of now.
I support. I hate getting scammed with trading. This wouldn't help with buying items though.