I did /plotme claim and it says I already owned a plot! I did /plotme home still tp's me to the same plot that i have before!
My IGN : xBobbyPvP (This is actually very confusing i tried to break it up) I changed my Minecraft name from : Bobbyhamilton55 - xBobbyPvP I...
Yeah im creating a new draft anyways.
My IGN is : Bobbyhamilton55 THe offender in-game name : amits12344321 They broke the : Don't hack rules Evidence are ontop ^^
Sorry for the echo . If there is =P
Haha I know its me again.. I found a hacker he used rapid fire as usual.. [media] or www.youtube.com/noriszafi <<< More...
Conor Walton thats fine if you don't support me even though I wish you would to support me. Bob Sheepert I've edit it isit better now? Mowcar...
This guy use hack aswell! IGN : OMGBamba I caught him. www.youtube.com/noriszafi [<<<< More evidence to be seen] [Not advertising]
Haha okay! No problem thanks for the information :)
Okay. Sure to not do that!
@Bob Sheepert is this alright?
o okay..
Thanks :)
@BubblyBab3 isit better now?
Why isit so?
I saw a guy using rapid fire.. His IGN is this : PowerzergplaysMC Check my channel out if you dont believe that he was hacking.. This is not...
Introduction about me : Im currently 14 years old and i would like to be a mod. I mostly spent my time on Minecraft so i will be active everyday...