I have reported both Kato and Dark for Inactivity before. Here's what Grayson said http://gyazo.com/c60cf216ce3bb07cb9204b07eebb35f4.png I don't...
Since I never play skywars, vote once every week or so, and kit god gives me $200. I just gave my money away. :)
1. VaMeSa 2. pvpslayergod 3. Ban evading using a account named zanethakilla 4.[ATTACH] 5. He was banned by pile for disrespect....
You can see alot of head spin, but I will slow it down
1. VaMeSa 2. Pokemonz4ever 3. Hacking/kill aura 4. [media]
1. VaMeSa 2. jorlar123 and nicko007 3. Hacking/kill aura 4. [media]
1. VaMeSa 2. nicholas725 3. Hacking/kill aura 4. [media]
1. VaMeSa 2. harv2014 3.Hacking/rapid fire 4. [media]
I'm sorry for my post here. But he could have just said "gold" in chat.
1. VaMeSa 2. ferdrikixi 3. Hacking/kill aura 4. [media]
1. VaMeSa 2. MarioGamer1aOMG 3. Hacking. In the video you can see him god apple hitting. 4. [media] MY 100TH H@CKER HAPPY BANNING!!!!!
1. VaMeSa 2. Croed67 3. Hacking/kill aura 4. [media]
I will try to slow down the video. But even with the video right now you can see his head turns.
1. VaMeSa 2. BlueWhisker 3. Hacking/kill aura/Criticals/ anti knock back 4. [media]
1. VaMeSa 2. pvpslayergod 3. Disrespect, calling me "Mexican". [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1. VaMeSa 2. DarkDude3108 3. Hacking/rapid fire 4. [media]
1. VaMeSa 2. Tyrantintis 3. Hacking/kill aura 4.[media]
1. VaMeSa 2. tuba77 3. Hacking/flashing kill aura. You can see a couple head turns in the video 4. [media]