There are several problems on Skyblock, it is excusable as it only restarted 2-3 weeks ago Mob Grinders are seriously useless - I have a 3 layer...
Just a really tiny thing that bothered me, i expected [God] to have /god (obviously, i mean seriously the name literally refers to the command),...
I'm probably not even known since i have been inactive for several years but im back! So lets fill out the template: Your in-game name:...
Such as /warp , colour chat (since i'm MVP) and /rankup on OP Prison. Fix pls
All the ranks i know..[Premium][Sponsor] [VIP] [MVP][Elite][Supreme][GOD] wait that's all of them.. LOL XD
Alright. My IGN (In game name) is [MVP]MinecraftBount. So Let's start with the questions NoobCrew said to do.. :mad: 1. HA.... my age...12 u...
Thnx Doods!! Much appreciated!!
yea i knew that..... u just selfish.... already reported ur friend delabro xD SUFFER rakion, SteeFlame was swearing and being racist to my race...
[IMG] delabro is a hacker!! he is flying!!
YEA thnx SteeFlame
Name:Mark IGN:MinecraftBount Age:12 Skype:markY2458 Rank:[MVP] PvP Experience: Only Die by [God] ranks :P Contribute:ENDERPEARLS!!