What's up? Long time no see haha
oh <edited> i thought it would be a link, my bad lelelelelel
Yeah, this hacker was on opfacs, there was no prefix 4 opfactions, but fuqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq, add one please, let me know if im stupid and if...
Your ingame name: jkao4 The offenders ingame name: ethannonnies Offense: Being rude Screenshots/Evidence:...
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIsNeJ325rfCuREm9Rz6_5Q mah channel!!
lelmydelikat felins r hrt permmutepreferably Your ingame name: jkao4 The offenders ingame name: Charlie20132001 Offense: being rude. Evidence:...
LOL Nice inappropriate use of a comma m11, btw, where's the evidence..
Your ingame name: jkao4 The offenders ingame name: McProster Offense: Hacking Kill aura Evidence: [media]
Your ingame name: jkao4 The offenders ingame name: james5522 Offense: hacking Proof: [media]
Your ingame name: jkao4 The offenders ingame name: FoxxyPickles Offense: hacking, noknockback Evidence: [media]
Are you enjoying the mute? </3
goblu hurted my "dumbass" feelins, i no haz smar edukatin lyk parns sed
da evidensa Your ingame name: jkao4 The offenders ingame name: GoBlue8888 & ethannonnies Offense: hurtin my delikat felins Evidence:...
Your ingame name: jkao4 The offenders ingame name: Antyboy123 Offense: anti knockback Proof: [media]
Your ingame name: jkao4 The offenders ingame name: Arielrose2070 Offense: Fastbow/hacking Proof: [media]
You still haven't muted That guy I posted D:
xD, So that's supporting our reports, There's a better chance of him being banned.
EDIT: This player has already been warned for the exact same offense and the exact same word, in my previous reports You'll see I've reported him.
Your ingame name: jkao4 The offenders ingame name: the_skater_kyle Offense: Being rude Proof/evidence:...
Your ingame name: jkao4 The offenders ingame name: Noravagen Offense: Spamming Proof/evidence: http://gyazo.com/22eeefd49ca417ad0ed4ac06d4926e22