Minasan konichiwa. Well done everyone.
No problem.
20 = Twenty = Twen - ty = Tahwen - tee = Taiwan tea.
As regards to this moderator application, i believe you should consider editing on mainly why you should achieve the rank and power of a...
Not as much cocky as desperate.
This is quite a well written moderator application. I do wish you achieve the rank moderator, but you haven't been on this server much much as...
I kinda feel like a badass for reading this.
Not really... 18
[ATTACH] Guys i have a suggestion, why don't we do pictures instead of typing? :D
It's not a problem.
You're still a bit new, try and get to know the community a bit more.
It was a joke. I am sincerely apologetic if my previous post in any offended you in any nature.
No you're not !
I strongly disagree on you and your youtube channel, as you see a majority of your videos are on people hacking on mineverse. These types of...
I am very confused on this video, for all i can see is a person lagging and then getting killed ? Can someone sincerely explain? Kind regards,
What is this sorcery ???
What am i doing with my life ?
Easy money, cash money heroes. #MakeinItRain #MineverseStaff4life #EasyMoneyPaperMoney #SmokeWeedErreyDay
Your IGN: hypobeam645 Your Skype: [email protected] (it's an email) Your age: 16 Your Youtube: youtube.com/therealityslayer Your...