Yes just wanting to know some tips.
Ik I was a dk to you and ive said ill changed ive been online once since I said that. Sorry for been disrespectful to you when you banned me and...
I do not scam never have never will that is the easiest way to get banned and I don't plan on getting banned ever. Im sorry for lieing and that...
The only accounts that will show are my p4 alts ;) Never hacked on them there will show vJigglez xJigglez HealiumFreak Dizzy_Dancer maby 1 more I...
And please check my ip and just get bumed out ;)
You are a scary person even people tell me your a hundie computer person and yes you did you spamed me with Skype accounts and keep calling me, On...
Im very sorry to what ive ever said to you and I want to change tht and be truce. Want to be truce? Sorry for all ive done.
I do not hack on alts as I said I got giving fake alts and justloged on to see if there was loot then and that put ips onto my internet then other...
The reson why im disrespect ful to you is because u got a Skype generator and spamed friend rewquest to me with pitches and naked men so mature. I...
Thank you.
Reason I might need to work on so then its support?
I swear ive changed now.
I did.
Im sorry for tagging mods I just want them to tell me what I need to work on. Wont do it again
Sorry then. Tagging mods to see what they think. That was mean.
@Firo3000 @kitkat6605910 @HeyitsAlexa What do you think? Comments?
Ill get it removed.
Changed it for you.
And guys just saying I didn't put big space in my mod app so that's why it doesn't look very big.