Ya know something, you are actually very immature and i can see why they demoted you.
GG on mod bud
Ever heard of a cannon dip sh**
Ya OpFactions server is S*** rn and thats what you care bout? Out of all the things that need to be fixed?
Once does not simply give a f***
Well if your talking about my brother than yes he does hack all the time but I stopped first ban.
You deleted the hacks and they came back? First off even a computer virus can't do that if you deleted the files. Secondly you just posted a...
I bet you all love me especially my fan club which I like to say includes Krishy, Proretarded, SourPatchSpartan (We used to be cool then i got em...
Support ya big nub
He also got PROMOTED in the first place something that you could never do in your lifetime because of your childish attitude and disrespect...
Btw are you lobby banned?
GG your officially banned @Farid good luck finding another server until your unbanned bud... if you get get unbanned but now you can join my...
We so wanted you in the clan especially since my brother told me how you said you were going to ddos me... He screenshotted that and reported you...
Exactly how this skid got mod is beyond me
Ign: ieatwafflez Offenders Ign: Sourpatchspartan Offence: We were catching up since i haven't see them in a while and he really really hate my...
I cared so much and I'm glad we have cleared this up -_-
Based on your app i have a really hard time believing your 16
Ign: Crazydin0saur Offenders Ign: xX_Dragon_FTWXx Offense: Hacking and using fastbow http://gyazo.com/d86db1b72b5c91fd35c2b7ac2bcb7124...
Ign: Crazydin0saur Game mode banned on: Kitpvp Link: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/kit-crazydin0saurs-appeal-fry-accepted.38156/#post-387184 Im...