My ingame name : HurriSandy, and spandexcajun ( my second account ) The offender's name : furionwarrior Description of the rule they broke : I was...
Pandas eat Bamboo
I don't understand what you are saying...
Need a bit more detail to your mod application, and if you do it... Support!
Umm I don't think that you should start a conflict about ranks who are looking at your application to mod because you may lose support, when you...
I have proof
Ingame Name XSakuraBlossomX, my second account spandexcajun Offenders Ingame Name SlimeDeath He told me that he hacked and he gave me a list of...
u know why because I now him irl just like you know your friends
I was not on because I had to go somewhere and I did not see the tnt cannon being shot
if theres no proof then why are you reporting on my friend and I?
can you show me the proof plz?
my friend tortega was the one who made the decision on making the tnt cannon. I was not available that time of being because I had to do other...
my friend who is a donator saw that you were flying
that was a waterfall that happened today soooo u have no proof of me having a waterfall on my skyblock although you have many waterfalls on your...
that's a lie
Daniel I asked you to take down the tower because that was a way for your friends like tayzer to get over my skyblock. Also I believe that you and...
Daniel u never set your home back to ur skyblock which was rude because u were lying to me because you promised that you would set your home...
thanks KYxCIVICxMAFIA for reporting those two. They were always trying to interrupt us while my friend tortega and I while we were working on out...