Gizbot stop bullying the squeaker
Stay banned
Pwease don't weave the sqweakers will cwy. Ps nobody cares
I think this describes aLl of you accurately.
That skin makes you look like a homosexual
Cry cry
[IMG] cake pride world wide
How is this even relevant to Mineverse? Most of you guys will probably never go on a date.
Ah, this explains it, somebody would have to have lost their vision to deem this acceptable in the community. In that quote you state that being...
Oh so I guess the troll has a friend..oh wait I'm probably just feeding you trolls
So you claim your not against someone's sexual orientation? But your critizing my post for making people change their sexual orientation......
Always you and your ad hominem attacks
When I meant a random I ment that it was someone off the internet, and not from real life.
It's extremely hilarious to see this happen to people. How could you possibly trust someone out of the blue?
If read this you are now gay. It may not feel like you are attracted to males, but in time you will begin to find men attractive. Vice versa for...
Yes the mods ban people for saying something offensive and using swear words, they do so much for us. You are biased towards them due to your...
Your really just going to start assuming stuff arent you? Ive been an admin on multiple smaller servers...I cant go complain about mods in the...
stop trying to troll
The point of this?