Hello, this is unabletobuild, i can build many things that help a lot in skyblock. For example I built a iron farm, obsidian generator,...
you can even ask samuelcgoogle1gm
ok, just this is what happened, not trying to get in now but, my other friend, vtsk2002, was mad at me because i left his island, so he gave my...
what country do you live in? USA 2. What timezone are you in? Central 3. How many players are currently living on your island. 2, me and my...
Your ingame name: unabletobuild The offender's ingame name: HotWing32 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Extreme spaming...
Your ingame name: unabletobuild The offender's ingame name: KillTMan2000 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They scamed...
at one point yes you where on my island and you even said it ur selfcand its called disrespect BRO
woops posted two of the same screenshots please ignore
Your ingame name: unabletobuild The offender's ingame name: 12323emily A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: This person was...
"well this never happened" a mod says as they move this to the archives
maby you could put lava so people wont go to the warp
This is when a bucket of lava is handy, also put a sign up saying if i finf you on my island you will die of lava
Your ingame name: unabletobuild The offender's ingame name: legombacow1 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They had stole...
Woops, not :s its supermonkeyboy1
Your ingame name:unabletobuild The offender's ingame name:supermonkeyboy1 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:This person was...
And im pretty sure he has done this before.
Ok, im back... This time Patrickfrlj ripped me off. He wanted to buy 15 iron for 500$. So i changed the sign so it said that. He then said he cant...
ya this is not a good thing to do, you know trading currency for this reason, although i see where you come from
So playing skyblock and i leave my friend; vtsk2002's island and i leave because i would like to start my own island. i leave my shop and i was...