French fries?
Read what I said
Well what doesn't make sense to me is how they havethem enameled in the prison but you can't use them in the free world I think it should be...
Yeah lost a lot
I vote portals shall be disabled it was a bad idea to have them
Well how about plots
What are you 5
They spawned it in the nether and brought it through the portal
Nether was a bad idea
There is no way to figure it out
My plot was my home and those jerks who did it made me lose all my stuff
Sorry for being a jerk fendo I was just pissed on how I lost all my stuff on prison do to someone spawning one inside it
Bad things happen when your on like you
No just no everyone knows about it you would think they had a plugin to protect this. Alot of peoples stuff was blown up.
My plot was blown up in the prison by a wither I lost alot of my fen gear this is such bull sh*t.
A week a month or year you have the best guess as you have the information.
Anyway when will I get the rank