Hey y'all I'm back from vacation:) I haven't been on mineverse in 3 months:P anyway when I was gone I let a friend of mine borrow my account for...
I agree and disagree. I can't stand people that spawn kill right when the game starts. My rule is I only spawn kill when there's more than 8-10...
Ya :D sure has been, how's it going?
Alright, thank you all:)
Note: this started happening after I changed my ign. May be a coincidence, may not be:/
Support:P like I've said before, you'd make a great mod:)
I'm having this really weird problem. Every time I log onto mineverse it will say "logging in" for like a minute then it will say "disconnected"...
Thnx:) We have two underground areas at the moment (cave and staircase) you want more underground accessibility or did you not see the updated video?
[MEDIA] Added a cave and underground tunnel. Also added more detail and gave the ground a less flat look
Give me a sec bro
I don't understand how mineplex isn't on that list, they are making millions
Well this sucks... Mineverse is literally the only server I play on:(
I haven't been on since last night... When did this "glitch" start happening?
Thnx:) me and Kxngs will add more detail on the map and re-record it once we're done
So if I were to add a lot more detail and change a couple more things from the original version would you consider supporting it?
The original was flat:/ but I guess we could add a couple hills or something