Hackers : WizKhalifaJr & FiveStarNooger Victim : SocklessPajamas Reason : Hacking ( killaura, anti Kb, aimbot ) Evidence :...
SOCKLESSPAJAMAS MOD APP <3 Moderator application- SocklessPajamas *Hi Noobcrew * How old am I? 16 What's my Ign? SocklessPajamas What's my...
SocklessPajamas pakamas
That's how every great youtuber ends up becoming.. Not from force, but by patience keep it up dude
SUBBBEEEEDDD 4 Da Win! Btw loving the vids keep it up
Tat that was completely rude.. He just started and now Your already bagging him? Atleast he doesn't force people to sub to him for "kit Titan" as...
But don't you force people to sub to you?
Can't the mods get /disguise so that the mods could see what's really happening on MINEVERSE without their actual name appearing I just think this...
Mmmkkay lemme get this straight why do people say "Ahahahahahah EZ scrub" and "run" it's honestly annoying.. I went on mine verse and all I could...
@Pile_of_Butts CONGRATULATIONS hope you have a wonderful time as warden and ... Always think of your fav food. Like errmagud : DDDDD....
And it's funny how you recorded a mod doing her job AWESOME!
Umm lolaperez_123 isn't hacking... She is a mod she can use /fly and /god mode.. And you just said you "hated her" that is disrespecting staff
If you think about the past... There will be no future :o
Bit more info then you have my support
Some quick tips : make it colourful, add a lot more detail, explain your answer better and then you'll get a thumbs up from me ;)
IGN: SocklessPajamas Offenders IGN: BaccaBenja What rule/a did they break: Kill aura, anti KB, auto armour, fast gap, aimbot. Evidence: [media]
Thanks everyone for the support :D
In my defence, no evidence, means its a joke... Saying he hacks doesn't prove anything. Footage for hacking is what you need, if you really want...
Oh ahaha thanks @Grayson I'll surely post there xD