But ok.We will see
You should be banned for the insults and harrasment. I didnt kill the sheep.Screenshot of the question u asked him?
I Didnt admit to anything brah . why would i need full iron to kill a sheep???? I came to ur shop to buy stuff and just had that on me cause i was...
There were other people there. Don't try to get me in trouble for something i didn't do because u "Don't like me". this isn't reliable or True proof!
Proof that i hit this? I was there yes.I didnt hit it just becuase i was holding a sword
Oh...And my chickens.U killed all my frikin chickens. THANKS
That is no the point. Im sayin it is your own fault if u did not leave when i gave u the opportunity to leave like 3 times after u griefed my crops
I dont have proof.No i dont use bandicam but u were greifing my crops. U werent trapped either.u were next to a water source and u put yourself...
The whole origin of the post is a lie. [Lava killing]?! U Never died!
This person didnt die nor lose anything.I Warned them to leave my island cause they glitched through the top of my shop.They cut the video right...