T'was the first Mc server I ever joined, almost a decade ago :facepalm: Good memories, sad that time marches on but the futures always brighter....
ur what lmao
i quit at the end of 2016 lol that's when it started to get BAD
u wot? Rip Mineverse 2014-2016 (good years)
Not in this case lol because people aren't coming back
lol about like 3 years too late. Your servers dead mate.
lol Alot of servers are still popular. Mineverse was once rated second best. Now nobody knows about it. Because the owners didn't care and the...
no.... not even 100-200 its been dead way before late 2016....
The staff stopped caring so people left. Mineverse died because even in its prime, it's owners didn't care about it. Therefor, they added lazy...
Whats ur discord?
i mean, i joined back in the summer of 2013 but im not active because mineverse is deado
not really. just kinda sad how mineverse is now. and i added that at the end bc ik alot of og people that i dont talk to anymore, and it'd be...
Welp, mineverse is dead. The devs and owners kinda forgot about the server. Back when mineverse was good back in 2014 up until early 2016 The...
meh. Dash145/ToxicGhost
pfffft. i joined in feb 2014
ahhh sheeet!! :D u rememed my homie agentandroid
btw, how do i see who voted for what?
i started back in feb 2014
when did u start playing?