Cyp and Noob have lives like us. They are very busy people like many people handling problems or jobs.
I am aware that p8-p10 have been glitched for a while. I am aware of your consequence that you are dealing because I am p10 as well which is...
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
I miss you <3 Wb BB
You could've turned off your hacks their and later put them back on.
When we were eating lunch :D :P [Lord Larry]
This player is already banned for disrespect. Thank you.
Zelda looks mad o-o
Bring it m8
In-game Name: Nightfire88539 Do I know you?: Yeah How can I trust you?: I'm a mod. :3 Bow skills: (0-10) 8-9 Are you a Donor rank? If so, which...
-8 Boys will win.