Wait not meaning to be rude but someone said your 11 turning 12 even though u posted telling me to grow up and i'm not ready to hear this when i'm...
They won't it's copyright xD Kirby
Thank you anyways let's get back onto the actual thread "I think it could go both ways depending on what Microsoft feel like doing with Minecraft...
I'm too young but then your the one being immature kk
HUH I'm asking what he means about the single player thing don't talk about off topic things and why should I grow up
What u mean about singleplayer?
On prison though xD
He's actually being clever it'll take em a few years/months to make 2 billion back and they might not even make it back since this game is dying
I guess Minecrafts gonna need an xbox controller now xD
So Flare_Snuggles, Fendodo ,Nickwongold and me were messing around after griefing Glitcher76's base :/ Flare made a TNT trampoline and this is how...
it's still dumb in my opinion anyways xD
But technically yes they want to buy it but... Everyone will still get the same chance just i'll be in there way.
Is it illegal to sign hump your own plot considering it's yours because it'll make it harder for everyone to get it but if it was someone elses...
I dunno... It is just Rant init..
The ladders to get up are gone so nobody can go to warp free....
This has been resolved but it had guard armor in and Pile never gave me it and isn't that unfair?
On prison when are factions coming back I have so much stuff stockpiling in my plot it's unreal and I don't like stuff like that xD just asking thx :)