hi i am selling my minecraft account with titan rank im trying to get around $200 USD but i will go lower i will go first reply if you are...
ign: Somebody_Awesome for some reason i have no rank on survival but on every other server i am titan rank please help
is there any way i can get a refund for titan as i dont play on Mv anymore and there is no reason for me to have titan
if they dont change the griefing rule they defiantly need to change the claim block limit
i think there should be a rule against griefing out side of peoples claims for the past few days every time i go on i have been griefed and i cant...
oh sorry use to posting in survival yeh its skyblock
what that was just me saying *are you calling me stupid* then i miss spelt it so i corrected why dont you show the rest huh ?
i wasnt even swearing and i was trying to take screen shots of it up but i couldnt take them for some reason
Your ingame name: jajkolucas The offender's ingame name: jgrainbowman[ATTACH] A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: racist and...
your not meant to post here but yeh she should
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: jajkolucas The offender's ingame name: jjairo,...
Your ingame name: jajkolucas The offender's ingame name: redstone_2012 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:im not sure what...
well the other day a guy that lived in my village in (survival) and was threatening to get griefers to grief it. so we kick him out of the...
Your ingame name: jajkolucas The offender's ingame name: justbecuz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Extreme spam...
Your ingame name: jajkolucas The offender's ingame name: Redstone_2012 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: offensive...
oh and comrade was spamming and impersonating as well
Your ingame name: jajkolucas The offender's ingame name: Ichidna, Comrade91 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ichidna was...
Your ingame name: jajkolucas The offender's ingame name: assassinAJ08 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: assassin was...