Well with minecraft it is a set game. You follow the game but some plugins make it more interesting, but it's still almost the same on each...
No, that video was before I removed them. I removed them a week ago
Being a popular roblox game developer (almost 3M game visits) It would be a tough choice. There are many great games I love on roblox but also...
Anyone else wanna comment? Any comment helps!
You could get the owner to go on the console and look back into the chat log history
So I was playing on Factions. TheSwaggerMan980 says "$400 for full dia armor!" I ask if I could buy it for only $3500, and he says ok fine just...
Do /list to see if a mod is on. If one is, do /. MSG ( their username) (what you wanna say)
Ok I just rewrote it all. Think I stand a chance? Please leave any comments good or bad below because any would greatly help! Thanks :)
I agree with salamander9o. It looks very skinny and not detailed at all. Look at others applications that are nice and long. The more detailed,...
Contact a mod. Im not sure if there is anything they can do, but it can't hurt to ask :)
Yup, it looks very skinny compared to other peoples post's. The longer and more detailed it is, the better!
Try to add more info any spot you can. Look at some applications that have a bunch of writing. The more writing and the more it sticks out to...
Doing great! :D
Yes, like "BrianNK" said, more info in pretty much the whole thing.
I caught you bow hacking in kitpvp Yesterday so...
Ok, I added a bit more to it :)
Before you read, here is some basic info of me. I have been playing MineCraft for almost four years now. Two years I have been a owner or...
Your ingame name: shadodart1 The offender's ingame name: balloonboy505 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They Pvp-Logged...