old ign: Drake90009 new ign: josephMC rank: premium screenshots:none cause i glitched out transaction info: unknow friend bought it for me
oh god O-O
i cant walk only fly if an admin could /kill me or delete my data i would be greatful and my friend held a book of herobrine and he cant get on my...
How old are you? 14 Your in-game name: Drake90009 What timezone are you in? Indiana east What country do you live in? U.S.A What languages do you...
my inv is clear
already tried
when in creative when I try to walk or sprint my minecraft stops responding and when I gamemode my hearts are taller than my pc screen plz fix this :I
while at a plot I got a thing called ultra wood and I cleared my inv and gone to my plot I cant walk or sprint I can only fly plz fix this.thx :)
There is a guy next to my plot who used world edit to make his whole plot depth and area diamondblocks wich lags who ever gets near it
My charachter wheni spawn in i cant move my page stops responding in creative plz tp me back to my plot thx