I have to agree with coastic, there needs to be a lot more information to show why you want to be a staff member. Good luck though :)
/\ How old are you? /\ I am 15 years old which I believe is one of the greatest points in my life where I understand more about what good...
Also after reading the comment being on for 24/7 its easy to say that is 100% not true. #iAgreeMega
No support. Lack of grammar and darken those colors dude too bright. Good Luck! :)
So sorry
Lol sorry jerks was auto correct omg it ment to say Merks lol
Hey jerks can you look at my conversation it is about my rank issues
Support Lots of detail great job! I actually Co-owned a server called Nuclear Craft before but it wasn't the same server. ~XSplosiv3
Thanks for the comments, I am currently on the website a active member and I am playing more often on the server again. I appreciate it thanks...
-=How old are you?=- I am currently 14 years old starting Jan. 1st, 2001. Even though I am only 14 and have yet to learn, I am a mature person...
Although I have not been here for about 2-3 months, I will be playing more often. I hope to get to know the players more. :) #iBack