I remember you, you just complain about everyone and everything :P I have nothing against you & I'm not trying to be rude but that's really all I...
O_oI think you will be a great guard!!! BUMPIN IT!!
I like your texture pack.....LOL
No! Don't leave fendodo!
7 hehe
It's not 'do you think you should become a mod?' it's 'Why do you think you should become a mod?'
Yeah, you certainly need more information. Also, you can change the title. Up top, click on the 'Thread Tools' tab, then click 'Edit Title'.
Welcome to the Emoji team!
Accepted as Admin. Welcome :)
Not you.
You're getting off topic -.-
Oh XD Okay :3
Accepted as Admin :)
Thanks! So I have the power to accept people too?
What is your ingame name in Minecraft: cade1221 Skype: Nope Why do you want to become an Emoji: I want to become an emoji so we can rule...
Welcome to the forums! If you have any questions, ask me or one of our many staff members.
No, Skyblock.
Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: Kayla_813 Rule they broke/how they broke it: Spammed their warp. Proof/evidence: [ATTACH]