IGN: Mrfun990 Donation Purchased: God Proof that I lost god on kitpvp and that I have god [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I think I sent the...
Hello, I am having a HUGE problem in the Survival Games. When I go into the server I am outside the lava on this glass box, and when I try to join...
We need to get this fixed. Help me
Can we get a Mod or Admin or even the Owners involved with this? Maybe it doesn't work for Gods. This is very weird and when I wasn't a God I...
I did, it says Unable To Perform This Action all the time!
Hello, I came here to post a problem when I join into Survival Games. When I join in to play Survival Games, everything I say like for example:...
Hey Matthew! This is Mrfun990. Remember me haha? Cx
Hello. When Admin was up I was going to buy it so I did and went ahead and bought Executive and then I accidentally bought Premium and then I...
Hello. I have a concern on when I donated. Well, when Admin was up I was aiming for that, so I bought Executive and then somehow I bought Premium...
Hello Noobcrew. I have a problem!? Ok, so i was buying Executive and then I accidentally bought Premium and then I bought the upgrade to Executive...
I said about a year. I really don't keep track, but I have been playing Mineverse for a long time now. :)
How old are you? I am 17 years old. Your in-game name: My in-game name is Mrfun990. What timezone are you in? I am in Central Time Zone. What...
I am Online.