Hey everyone! AskWalrus here and I would like to announce that the hiatus is finally over and I am now active again!...
Since '<3' is used to represent a heart sign and a kiss. Why not add a kiss icon as well. (And yes, i've already checked the icons there weren't...
AskWalrus was originally created here and started to make a franchise on the Skyblock forums. It did not go well. Either 2:= , 4:= or := := := :=
Bro, I have a 6 pack walrusboard abs, get on my level. I has a fat and wrinkly neck though, nothing I can do about that. Because you're 'O.K'. :t:
Err, if that's the case, I may have caused one or two devastations in a few countries.. :t: I am very religious in Walrus Christ.
Hi everybody! I just wanted to apologize for not being on as much lately, it’s really hard with school just starting and everything plus with...
You should. Mmm, applesauce, yum. It's normal, unless they hate walrus, in which case, not normal, no, no, very abnormal.
I have a wrinkly neck, any dermatologist here?
They see me Walring, they hatinnn'
Guess who's about to be in charge of the Google search engine? That's right, AskWalrus.
Best fab advice giver, AskWalrus! Woohoo In my dreams, I know ;-;
That's what happened in the 2003 incident, Walrus Kong. No idea, but further analysis and examination can help you. No. That we will not know,...
Potato, don't ask.
Same as a penguin. Lets say its negative 25 degrees there, then the square root of a penguin is 5 i. Yes. We have a new TV series on 'WOX'. It's...
Bumpity bump.
You guys, you forgot to nominate me for the Most Fab Profile Picture. Samantha will be very proud of me ;3
[IMG] Come at me bro.
I cut my arms off to 'have' flippers.