Seriously though, what kind of person that is running for moderator doesn't even know how to count.
I will think this over. For now I will remain mutual. EDIT : No support. :lol:
not sure if i supported anyways support
Support. -Very detailed -Very organized
We need more global mods.. can you try contacting a mod to unban me. I will be on for a few hours today.
Yes I did, Indeed. Its been weeks or even a month. No one checked it out sadly..
I was to be unbanned on OPFACTIONS, 2 weeks ago. I am still banned.. Link to accepted ban appeal....
It needs some girls in bikini's then I will support <3
*Cough* *Cough* Abooosive *Cough* *Cough* And does it for the power *Cough*
You're a long time player, Happy to see that you stayed <3
i almost cried at the end 8====D
Sorry no support, You quoted you hate hackers. Yet you hack yourself, don't say it was the past as it was about 3-5 days ago,
IGN:Stone_Cold2120 Gamemode name: OPFactions Link to accepted appeal:...
In correct, tp trapping on opfactions is allowed
this thread is useless, as no one will follow this. Its factions, who gives a crap
I trap people all the time. lol i can give 2 crap if they are going 2 quit. they gotta stop taking it serious and gear is gear. can always be...
Well that would be grave digging.. its history.
Well we did it! We are officially #2 on !!! Sadly MinePlex is always on top :s.. [ATTACH]