And u scammed me too
Saheer u try to tp kill me
we were trading gapples when he said to come to gold farm and he tried to kill me but failed
Your ingame name: Antvenom430 The offender's ingame name: saheer786 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: tp killing...
Thx for followig me
Thank you diamond T.T...
Ok sorry T.T.... Beefy can you close this???
But i first start mineverse when i came to USA that was 2 years ago
50% i guess XD because you are very nice person and most of the time when i log in your there
How old are you? I am 13 Your in-game name: Antvenom430 What timezone are you in? Eastern timezone What country do you live in? USA What languages...
Wow thats harsh
He said that cause one person was tp killing so I told the people do not tp then he night started to curse at me I guess he was his brother or so...
Your ingame name: Antvenom430 The offender's ingame name:nightcrwler01 A description of what rule they br oke/how they broke it: they sweard...
because he think that I killed but he drowned and was killed by snow so he asked me how he died and who killed him so I said everything and he...
Your ingame name: Antvenom430 The offender's ingame name: UnlegitgamerHD A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They have cursed...
Your ingame name: Antvenom430 The offender's ingame name:Steven31105 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They have scammed...
Your ingame name: Antvenom430 The offender's ingame name: Namjae, Anderwdavid, Icewolf and Dianne_leggit A description of what rule they broke/how...
Its great to be in a great server lol!!!