The skywars server has been very laggy lately, every time i try to break a block it respawns and i have to hit it multiple times. Its rlly getting...
U can see y i havnt been on creative i posted a thread on help
Hey boat
Goin up to 7th Grade :D
my IGN: Sniperassasin_1 PLZ ADD ME
Mah mc name is: Sniperassasin_1
Plz add meh to the reset player list pile
Add me to PLZ i havnt played creative in so long PLZ ADD ME
Mods r supposed to help so y wont any mod help me?!?!?!!?
i would rlly appreciate if any mod would help me
Is any mod on
Ares it didnt work :(
Hoodie i dont have enough time to open chat
K ill try
Someone gave me a "goodnight my child" book i was able to get it out of my inventory but something still kills me instantly when i respawn i dont...
Someone gave me a book that kills me instantly.I managed to quickly press 1 and take it out of my inventory ,but still somethng is killing me...
Someone gave me "goodnight my child" kills me fast i managed to remove it frommy inventory.but now the book isnt in my handor...