Thanks mate, you are really a true friend :) Ok
I am always active in game Inactivity? I am actually very active
Do you play Kitpvp? because most of the time I play there. I Also play op pvp, infection, parkour, creative, and thinking of starting sky block
Scorvix seriously bro, why would I lie? I hardly ever play infection anymore O.O
I said I bought mc in 2010, not joined the server, and I am sorry if I have ever been rude to you. I also hardly ever see you in game could be...
okay how can I be "rude" to you ingame if you never "see" me in game? Also it has I swear I've had MC since 2010 and I swear I joined this sever...
about 3 days ago O.O
Thanks mate
@DinoDuck yes I am very confused about what surge is referring to, I was never banned on kitpvp for hacking or anything else? I suspect that...
Im leaving the clan, don't ask why, I have my reasons
Scorvix it works for me.....
Most people just find it really annoying
Hardly anyone spams out, and sometimes it doesn't work and they die...
Thanks for the Support Guys
The kits are free, you dont earn them
Your ingame name: Worph The offender's exact ingame name: TroyJaso A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Killaura/Reach...
Your ingame name: Worph The offender's exact ingame name: Sir_Guns A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Killaura/Reach...
Your ingame name: Worph The offender's exact ingame name: KurvaKarvaKorva A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking (bunny...
Yes, a map change would be nice, its been the same map since it was first introduced =/
ok thanks I respect your decision