Dafq I just read.
3oo billion for my friends upgrade to Titan? Btw I'm with ninja so we will combine money as well as my friend to do it. Just give my an hour or...
Also you might want to check your math :p 24 hours x 60 min = 1,440 min divided by 15 minutes equals 96. So they could just buy the 15 min sign...
Don't like how you can buy it but the voting seems cool.
Few bugs/suggestions 1) make it so players can't open trapped chests in plots 2) fix o mine the sell prices aren't as good. 3) maybe make...
If your a donor type /pv 1
Bye poopy face
Your YouTube is boring now without me <3
I liked you better when you were a noob at spawn pvp on factions who sat there all day.
Maybe if you followed the rules you wouldn't have this problem..
No support banned for hackinghacking
They cant read then @Daddy made a thread on it.
I'm so sorry wont happen again calling people noobs is a horrible thing.
Anyone else find this kid to be funny? Oh sheet please don't tell the mods on me lol..
I don't care go cry to the mods you little baby
I'll call them what I want to...Noob.
Stop making stupid and pointless threads about kit Titan.. Noobcrew / cyp already have the kit layer out as @Daddy said there adding it in 1.8....